ShadowboxLive has been named the host venue for the Central Ohio Theatre Roundtable (DBA Theatre Roundtable) Annual Celebration. The celebration will take place on Sunday, January 26th, 2025. The doors will open at 6 PM for social hour – food and beverages will be available. The awards program will begin at 7 PM. Theatre Roundtable is a Columbus-based consortium of community, educational, and professional theatre companies that exists to further the performing arts in Ohio.

“Theatre Roundtable is excited to provide an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate the artists, organizations, productions, and theatrical initiatives that were produced in 2024,” Theatre Roundtable President James Blackmon said.

Theatre Roundtable Member Companies will be presenting Awards Of Excellence to recipients of their choice for accomplishments completed in 2024. Find the specific nominees below!

The following awards will also be given at the Annual Celebration:

Theatre Educator: An individual or organization who has made a significant contribution to theatre education opportunities available to students K-12 within a school system or in after-school programs or activities.

Youth Theatrical Award: Presented to a youth theatre artist that has demonstrated artistic/professional growth in the theatre during the past year.

Harold Award: Presented to an individual or entity for significant individual or organizational achievement.

ShadowboxLive is located at 503 S Front Street #260, Columbus, OH 43215.

Tickets on sale now by clicking the button below!